Sunday, August 9

forms of hunger and gluttony

After two weeks of contrasting vacation experiences, I'm struggling to get back into a productive groove. I believe the core problem is my gluttony. When on trails in the Uintas, I was constantly shoving mountain scenery and trail food into my face. At the beach, I was continually ingesting seawater, sugar-cereal, and time with the most enjoyable segment of my biological family. Now that I'm home and freed of distractions from nephew/nieces or alpine meadows, I'm shoving information into my mind. I already have a few books requested online via inter-library loan, I have spent time looking for poetic references to "zero" for a pending proposal, and am listenining to music from an odd array of online sources.

I confess to having insufficient discipline. There are plenty of important and pressing tasks that need my attention, the most important of which is catching up on a backlog of emails from my secondary science methods students. There is also the matter of reviewing conference proposals, providing feedback and formatting resubmissions. And yet, I'm checking a recent email announcing the pictorial evidence of backpacking and then listening for the third time to a tune by the Rural Alberta Advantage and wondering whether to download some tracks. I've not been deprived: the coffee was good and strong over the past two weeks and I have ingested too many cups this morning along with a heaping bowl of Frosted Flakes that were leftover. Can't quite understand why the letters on my monitor keep jumping around.