Sunday, October 11

gone crazy

Earlier this year, there was discussion about whether it might not be best to envision colleagues as mental patients. In a very pragmatic sense, this construct held true due to its verifiability in multiple sites. Turns out this may be more than idle speculation in light of empirical evidence.
According to a recent article, mental disorders by people may reach a 60% incident rate by age 32. And even higher values as one ages. Here's a quote from the researcher as reported in Science News:
Life flu, if you follow a cohort of people born in the same year, as they age almost all of them will sooner or later have a serious bout of depression, anxiety or substance abuse problem.
What should be comforting to me is that I already suspected as much, which suggests I may have greater interpersonal sensitivity than I might have believed. What is subsequently discomforting is the seeming inevitability of this for me. I suppose if I am to continue my contrarian ways, I should avoid anxiety and depression by opting for cannabis dependence. On such a sunny autumn afternoon, perhaps I should perform a google image search to see whether I can begin a leaf collection that will place me on the normal path to mental disorders.