Wednesday, June 10

slim jims and nitro-glycerine

Not wanting to make fun of the death and destruction, but this news item really makes me wonder what they put in these things. I think I tried one once but much prefer the flattened jerky-style "meat products" over these mysterious cylinders. Don't ask me why I take comfort in something that looks like it was stripped from the outside of a tree as opposed to a slim and glistening think stick of protein dynamite.

An explosion at the factory in Garner, North Carolina, which makes Slim Jim meat snacks, caused extensive damage to the roof, Garner Police Sergeant Joe Binns said today in an interview. Deaths have been reported and hazardous-material teams were on the scene, Binns said. … The company makes brands like Chef Boyardee, Hunt's tomato sauce, ACT II popcorn and Hebrew National hot dogs.

I guess I suspected there was some ingredient that induced ... um ... gastronomic explosions. But I never suspected that the detonations might be an attendant risk of the manufacturing process. Do you suppose the price of Slim Jims is going to spike, at least in this part of the country that relies upon the North Carolina factory? Or perhaps the shelf-life is so long that it may be decades before the culinary and economic impact of this incident influences our daily lives.

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